Elsie Day

Jul 13, 20222 min

Demystifying Root Canal Treatments: 8 FAQs Answered by Dentists in Ghatkopar, Mumbai

Updated: Jan 19


Root canal treatments have long been surrounded by misconceptions and fears. However, dentists in Ghatkopar, Mumbai, are committed to providing accurate information to help patients make informed decisions about their dental care. In this blog post, we'll address 8 frequently asked questions about root canal treatments, dispelling myths and shedding light on the importance of this common dental procedure.

  1. What is a Root Canal Treatment? A root canal treatment is a dental procedure aimed at treating infected or damaged pulp inside a tooth. The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. During the procedure, the infected or damaged pulp is removed, and the interior of the tooth is cleaned, disinfected, and sealed to prevent further infection.

  2. Why Would I Need a Root Canal? A root canal becomes necessary when the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to deep decay, a cracked or broken tooth, repeated dental procedures on the same tooth, or trauma. If left untreated, the infection can lead to severe pain, abscess formation, and potential tooth loss.

  3. How Do I Know If I Need a Root Canal? Common signs that you may need a root canal include persistent toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, swelling or tenderness in the gums, and discoloration of the tooth. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's essential to consult with a dentist in Ghatkopar for a proper diagnosis.

  4. Is a Root Canal Painful? Contrary to popular belief, modern root canal treatments are relatively painless. Dentists use local anesthesia to numb the affected area, ensuring that patients are comfortable throughout the procedure. Advances in dental techniques and technology have made root canals more efficient and comfortable for patients.

  5. How Long Does a Root Canal Take? The duration of a root canal procedure depends on the complexity of the case. On average, a root canal can be completed in one to two visits. Some cases may require additional appointments for the placement of a crown or other restoration.

  6. What Happens After a Root Canal? After a root canal, the treated tooth may be sensitive for a few days. Your dentist will provide post-treatment care instructions. In most cases, a crown is placed on the tooth to restore its strength and functionality. With proper care, a tooth that has undergone a root canal can last a lifetime.

  7. Are There Alternatives to Root Canal Treatment? The primary alternative to a root canal is tooth extraction. However, preserving the natural tooth through a root canal is generally preferred as it maintains the integrity of the dental arch and avoids potential issues with adjacent teeth and oral function.

  8. Is Root Canal Treatment Expensive? The cost of a root canal treatment varies depending on factors such as the tooth's location, the complexity of the case, and the need for additional procedures like crown placement. However, it is often a cost-effective option compared to tooth extraction and subsequent replacement with a dental prosthetic.


Dentists in Ghatkopar are here to dispel myths and provide accurate information about root canal treatments. If you have concerns about your dental health or are experiencing symptoms that may indicate the need for a root canal, don't hesitate to consult with a trusted dentist. A root canal can save a tooth, alleviate pain, and contribute to long-term oral health.
